Monday Morning!

You are loved!
Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
We are enslaved by sin and have offended God.
Only Jesus's decisive intervention—this costly purchase of our life—can set us free and make us whole.
By His death, Jesus settled the judgment against all who believe in Him. When He cried, “It is finished”.
In His Son’s resurrection, the Father provided the receipt of the payment. The debt, which was justifiably leveled against us and too great for us to pay, is now stamped unmistakably: “PAID.”
At times, the Evil One will antagonize us and our own hearts will accuse us. “Are you really forgiven? Surely this is one sin too many! Does God really love you? Do you really have a place in glory for all eternity?” When you hear these whispers, remind yourself that Christ strode up to the very bar of justice and settled the account that stood against you. The Father raised Him from the dead; therefore, you can find total security in the fact that He will never again demand payment for any of these accusations.
Your account has been settled once and for all. You have been ransomed.
Pastor Alistair Begg
*Please Share the Good News!
Have a Marvelous Monday! 🙂
Are you saved?
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved". Acts 16:31


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