Thursday Morning!

You are loved!
The Love of God
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
When we pause to think about the history of our universe, something greater (Psalm 24:1) than man must be sustaining all this life beyond man’s ability (Jer.10:23). It is impossible not to know that God exists. God says we are without excuse! (Rom. 1:20).
When we get our minds around that truth, think about what Jesus said when asked what law was the greatest. He said, love God, love yourself, love others (Matthew 22:37-39). God is love (1John 4:8) and all that He does for His creation is based out of His love. Biblical love is not the same as the love that the culture screams for. God’s love is an “unconditional” love. One that is faithful even when we are not.
Jesus tells us that the expression of our love for God is obedience to His word (John 14:21). The apostle John says, “…And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments…” (2 John 1:6). There is something about receiving instructions from the God of the universe on how He instructs us to love Him and one another. It is the love between His children that catches the world’s eye and gives us opportunity to love them by pointing the world to Christ.
You have often heard it said that love is a choice. Maybe in the culture that would be true, but in Christ love is a commandment, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (John 13:34-35).
The level of instruction that places love as a commandment may speak to the potential hardness that a human heart can amass. Unconditional love (agape) is a taught love, it is not natural to the human nature. Without Christ we tend to be very “conditional” in our love relationships with mankind. God wants us to experience a level in love that directly addresses our current cultural woes. God’s love provides, social justice, human harmony, peace, and kindness (Gal. 5:22).
To experience the supernatural blessings of a loving God here is the formula— “This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for loving us and for being our definition of love. Forgive us when we disobey You and withhold our love from You.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Pastor Milton Harding
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Have a Tremendous Thursday!
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