Tuesday Morning!

You are loved!
When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-5
At this time of year, many who do not spend time thinking about God much for the other eleven months find themselves reflecting on the reason for Jesus’ birth. Countless friends, colleagues, and relatives would likely say that Jesus is, at best, something of a mystery. These responses are a sobering reminder that Christianity’s message is not as obvious to our neighbors as we may think. Who Jesus is must first be clear in our own minds and dear to our own hearts if we are going to articulate that to others.
Jesus stands out among other figures of religion, history, and humanity since He alone possesses the qualifications to be the Savior of our world.
If God would save, then the Savior must be God. If man must bear the punishment because man sinned, then the Savior must be a man. If the man who bears the punishment of sin must himself be sinless, then who other than Jesus Christ meets these qualifications? Jesus was uniquely qualified to accomplish God’s plan of salvation.
Who is Jesus? He is God the Son, born as a man. He is the perfect law-keeper, who died to free those who had not kept the law. What is a Christian, then? It is someone who has been freed from the penalty of sin and adopted into the family of God. That is a message we should preach to ourselves daily and should pray for an opportunity to share with someone else daily. For it is the most surprising and the most glorious message in all of history.
Alistair Begg
*Please Share Jesus with others.
Have a Terrific Tuesday! 

Are you saved?
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
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