Father God Please Move Among Your People
This article was submitted hours before the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Is there any doubt that our schools need prayer?
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As we approach the 60th anniversary of Engel v. Vitale—the June 25, 1962 Supreme Court decision which removed school-sponsored prayer from schools—I am reminded of this Scripture:
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:7-10).
For many years, we have been seeing the tragic results of removing acknowledgement of God from schools. Instead of seeking Him first and dedicating each day to Him, many people in the schools have flaunted their pride as they persecute Christians and forbid prayer in almost any format. Violence has broken out in so many places, and schools are unprotected as too many Christians are silent.
We need to acknowledge God in our schools again.
If prayer must be student-led, then it must—but we need to pray for our students to actually rise up and lead prayer. We also need to pray for protection for teachers who exercise their own freedoms of speech and religion by praying in their own right.
If you also are burdened with the welfare and safety of students and schools, then pray the prayer below with me. Let’s ask the Lord together to help us see prayer back in schools:
“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.
Father God, thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. Thank You that You are a great and merciful God, and You are a God who does miracles. You are also a good Father who loves us, Your children, and we know that You have compassion on our children as well Thank You for being a Father and Helper to the fatherless and helpless, Lord.
Abba Father, we need You to manifest Yourself in our schools.
Our children endure such difficulties in school. Schools are often full of bullies, perversion, peer pressure, danger, and sin of every type. Our little babies are not strong enough to defend themselves, Lord. And even when we teach them the best we can, they still need Your help.
Father God, we are desperate for Your manifest presence in our schools.
And Lord, we know that You manifest Yourself where people pray. Your Word says that “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). So Father, we ask today in Jesus’ name:
- That You would give every student and teacher the burden to pray to You in their schools.
- That students would stand up to lead prayer.
- That teachers would be examples in prayer, showing their students what praying men of God and praying women of God look like.
- That You would protect every teacher’s right to pray and express their own faith in You.
- That You would protect every student’s rights to free speech and freedom of religion when it comes to prayer and witnessing for you.
- That lunchrooms and classrooms, gymnasiums and athletic fields would become prayer rooms.
- That the sound of prayer would rise like incense from our schools at the students’ own volition.
- That You would pour out Your Spirit of grace and supplication on every person in the school systems—students and teachers alike—and that they would begin to pray to You without ceasing, even if they do not truly know You yet.
- That Christian clubs and support networks would arise and mobilize to witness for You in the schools.
- That godly churches would have a passion for evangelizing in the schools, and that doors would be open to them on every side.
Abba Father, we ask also that righteous legislation would arise to undo the restrictions on prayer in schools. Let godly laws be placed on every ballot and every legislature—and voted in. Let every righteous vote be implemented and not blocked or hindered. Let every court rule in favor of the free exercise of Christian prayer and worship in schools as well, Father, in Jesus’ name.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, let revival burst forth in every school in America—public and private. We ask that You would do a great miracle and mobilize Your people by Your Spirit to pray for the schools and in the schools again. And as You show us how to do this, please help us to yield to You and cooperate with You.
Thank You, Heavenly Father. We love You, and we give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
Did you pray and ask the Lord to put prayer back in schools today? If so, leave a comment below and add your own heartfelt prayer!
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